Our purpose

Promote amazon’s biodiversity, by enabling access to anyone on the planet, to the nutritional, functional and medicinal powers of plants.

What we believe in

Sustainability, health, life quality, innovation, development, transparency and commitment.

Our market

We fit in a variety of market segments, such as the pharmaceutical, herbal medicines, cosmetic, natural and functional products, food, drink and other major industries.

What we can offer to your business today

The company is able to combine technologies that produce super ingredients in a healthy ecosystem, regenerating nature and offering a diversity of usage for your business, through practical and simple logistics.

The products commercialized by Horta da Terra can be applied in a variety of recipes for food and drinks, creative and innovative cuisine, including supplements and functional food. They also serve cosmetic, medicinal, herbal medicines and health and well-being industries.

Storing and transportation

Did you know?

Since it is powdered, the transportation and storage of our products is simple, with no need of cooling it during the process of shipment.

Our products have a validity of 25 years and it is only necessary to use waterproof and sunlight protected packages. All of this optimizes our exportation to a variety of different states and countries!

Get in touch with us today and let's find out together how we can expand your business! 

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