Did you know these facts about food?

According to the botanist Valdely Kinupp, “The world lives with a dangerous hidden hunger: the lack of nutrients. There is no nutritional variety since people eat the same things every day”, says the specialist.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) points out that 75% of the world’s food is generated from 12 plants. And only 3 monocultures – rice, wheat and soy – are responsible for more than 60% of the calories and proteins obtained from vegetables.

In this context, PANCs are an excellent option to vary and make the menu more nutritious. Besides being accessible, with low cost and easy to cultivate, its wild characteristic guarantees benefits that domesticated vegetables and plants lost in these last 12 thousand years of agriculture and artificial selection.

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Supplements are excellent resources to add to modern food!

The same way you choose a detox juice or a salad, you can also pick our powdered super ingredients with all properties preserved to boost your health.

With Horta da Terra you will be able to find the fundamental and desired benefits for you and your family!

With a wide variety of applications and usages (ex: juices, teas, soups, salads), our products arrive to you as a perfect sample of the amazonian biodiversity!

In fact, Horta da Terra arrived to make you and your business question everything learned about supplementation!

Our products are the perfect combination of nutrition and authenticity. Made by 100% natural ingredients from the amazon biodiversity, therefore enabling access to all of the nutritional, medicinal and functional properties of our plants to anyone on the planet.

Check our products to discover why Horta is so different from the other brands!

In addition to being supplements, our products are Super Foods!

Superfoods are 100% natural foods that are packed with essential nutrients and therefore health benefits.

Superfoods are highly concentrated in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They can serve as a foundation for a healthy diet or help supplement certain inadequate intakes, but keep in mind that there are no miracle foods!

Remember that every single habit is important! 😉

Check out our applications and recipe tips here 😉

Our regenerative agriculture

Did you know? Horta da Terra’s super ingredients are produced in a regenerative agricultural system, which means a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems.

In addition, all of our products go through a freeze-drying process, retaining and conserving all of the amazon’s plants nutritional, functional and medicinal properties.

In other words, what you or your business gets is a natural, “savage” and sustainable product that can be applied in a variety of recipes for food and drinks, creative and innovative cuisine, including supplements and functional food.

They also serve cosmetic, medicinal, herbal medicines and health and well-being industries.

Find out more about Horta da Terra.

And you know the truth about a plant-based diet

Despite some beliefs, it is NOT another term for a vegetarian or vegan diet. Rather, plant-based diets are focused on eating more foods from plants than other food sources such as meat and poultry. Plant-based diets also avoid processed foods and refined sugars. People who follow this plan might be flexitarian, or semi-vegetarian, in which they mostly consume food from plants, as well as eggs, dairy, and the occasional meat, poultry, fish, or seafood.

Another myth about plant-based diets is that people on these diets are often tired and don’t get enough fats and proteins. However, a well-rounded plant-based diet will not only include plenty of healthy fats and proteins, but also several other essential nutrients for our well-being!

Find out more about our PANC’s (non conventional food plants) and their numerous benefits on our website today!

True changes

True changes are the ones that come from the inside. Did you know that what we eat today and how we eat it, can create different impacts on the planet and in the future generations?

Still in doubt about better eating?

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these are the main benefits of healthy eating for adults:

  • May help you live longer
  • Keeps skin, teeth, and eyes healthy
  • Supports muscles
  • Boosts immunity
  • Strengthens bones
  • Lowers risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers
  • Supports healthy pregnancies and breastfeeding
  • Helps the functioning of our digestive system
  • Helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Keep in mind: supplements are not medical pills!

Fact: medicines cure diseases and supplements create health!

Many people are afraid to take supplements because they associate it with medicines that can provoke side effects.

However, supplements are actually a natural extension of our food and have the purpose of complementing our nutrition with efficiency and practicality.

More than 55% of families from developing countries use some type of supplementation to optimize their daily nutrition. But it is still a low number considering that about 80% of people suffer from some kind of essential nutrients insufficiency.

In Brazil, for example, about 99% of the population has vitamins D and E deficiency. More than 90% demonstrate insufficient levels of magnesium and omega 3. And more than 80% don’t have healthy levels of vitamin A and calcium.

Why supplements?

No matter how good your food options are during the day, it is highly likely that you might not be obtaining the ideal nutritional quantity.

According to an analysis made by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2008/2009, the population demonstrated deficiency in several vitamins and minerals, like the ones listed above.

Maybe you might not be noticing this right now or any symptoms, but your organism can be suffering and limited to doing what’s best for your health. In the long-term, this can severely affect your well-being.

Horta da Terra’s natural products can represent the ideal nutritional support your body needs. Our super ingredients from the amazon biodiversity come to you with all of their nutritional, medicinal and functional properties preserved, due to our freeze-dried technology.

Did you know?

More than 80% of people suffer from essential nutrient deficiency. 🤭

Even those with a balanced diet routine, ingesting organic or natural products, might have some type of insufficiency.

Fact: our body’s health is built up by what we provide it!

Currently, the supplementation technology is one of the most efficient pro-health strategies and one of the easiest ones to practice! It is recommended by most nutritionists and health researchers to complement our diet.

Supplementation includes providing our organism with a concentration of substances that are absolutely natural and that the body needs to obtain through nutrition.

With different forms of usages and applications, our products from the amazonian biodiversity, might just be that perfect “extra” you need for your personal routine or business’s needs!