
Ahhh, the jambu! It is one of the most eclectic and curious PANCs marketed by Horta da Terra.

In addition to being rich in iron and vitamin C, the physicochemical characteristics show that in each 100g of Jambú branches, leaves and inflorescences, more than 80% of water is found, in addition to carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, iron, vitamins, salts minerals and fiber.

Traditional knowledge indicates that jambu is used as a herbal product in fortifiers, appetite stimulator, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, analgesic, diuretic, oral anesthetic, sexual stimulant, among others.

In addition to being frequently used in cooking and drinks (eg teas and cachaças), this plant is also frequently used in cosmetics (eg sexual stimulants). That’s right! Jambú extract can also be used even in the body, causing stimulating sensations, in addition to delaying ejaculation and greater natural lubrication.

When used on the tongue, the concentrate generates a mixture of tingling, numbness and salivation, making it a great sensory experience!

Get your jambu here: https://hortadaterra.com/shop/jambu-25g/

Curiosities about Jambú:

During the pandemic the erotic industry grew significantly, positively affecting the production and selling of sexual stimulants and other products.

According to the article published in Coluna, Lifestyle, Saúde & Bem-estar (2019), social distance had a strong effect, and many people, specially women, have been searching for different forms of sexual pleasure.

As stated by the MercadoErotico.Org and the Brazilian Association of Erotic Market Businesses, this industry had a 12% increase and earned around R$2 billion during 2020.

Currently, Jambú represents a major interest within the cosmetic market. It is one of Horta’s most popular products due to its numerous benefits, such as being an excellent blood vessel relaxer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, as well as diuretic and a stimulator of our immune system.

Interested? Get in touch to identify with us an opportunity for your business!

Did you know?

According to Mônica Trindade Abreu de Gusmão, agronomy doctor and teacher from UFRA, this plant carries numerous benefits. “It is rich in vitamin C and iron. Its physico-chemicals suggests that in every 100g of Jambú’s leaves and branches, there are more than 80% of water, as well as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, iron, vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Jambu tea

The plant has medicinal properties that help relieve some pain, due to itsanalgesic effect. In addition, jambú tea has a diuretic, laxative, antiviral, aphrodisiac and much more.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Resting Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Tea time
Servings 3 xícaras



  • Boil the water
    500 ml water
  • Add the Jambu
    6 g jambu (powdered)
  • Let it rest for 10 minutes
  • Drink up to 3x a day

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