Did you know? In recent years, the market for food, beverages and other wellness and well-being industries has experienced a real boom in plant-based products!

Do you, as a consumer or manufacturer, know exactly what these products mean?

But after all, what are plant-based products?

Plant-based products are those made only with raw materials of plant origin.

Interestingly, this term was created in the 1980s to define a predominantly vegetable eating habit. Thus, in the sense of diet, the name refers to the custom of favoring leaves, grains, vegetables, etc.

And why are these products of vegetable origin growing so much?

In recent years, several American and European companies have intensified the launch of plant-based products and Latin America certainly follows this trend!

There are several reasons for this:

Health: many consumers associate the consumption of plant-based products with more health, creating a diet with less meat and, consequently, minimizing the rate of cardiovascular diseases, for example.

Environmental issues and sustainability: many consumers prioritize companies for their production methods, that is, they cause less environmental impact than agro-industrial meat production, for example.

At Horta da Terra, we are a Nature Tech agroindustry of Amazonian ingredients and here we cultivate Non-Conventional Food Plants (the so-called PANCs) through the good practices of synanthropic and regenerative agriculture. In other words, we regenerate nature while growing our products. Learn more:

Therefore we promote more health and well-being through technology and nature.

A lot of curiosity: That’s right, many people are very curious to know the taste of hamburgers and vegetable yogurts, for example, which ends up generating a great purchase motivation!

Who are the plant-based consumers?

Not necessarily consumers are vegans or vegetarians, ok?!

In fact, the increase in consumption of this type of product is growing more and more among groups of people seeking a more balanced diet. They are the so-called flexitarians, a group that has mostly young people between 18 and 30 years old!

Horta da Terra na regiao de Belem PA. Junho de 2022. Foto: Bruno Kelly.

What can Horta da Terra offer you?

Horta has in its portfolio super plant-based ingredients that can be applied in a variety of food recipes, supplements, alternative sources of vegetable protein, drinks, meals, in addition to functional drinks. They also serve the cosmetics, herbal, medicinal and other wellness industries.

Here we manage to combine technologies that produce super ingredients in balance with the ecosystem, regenerate Nature and offer a variety of applications for your business, through practical and simple logistics.

And how do our products reach consumers, B2C and B2B?

After planting and harvesting our PANCs (non-conventional food plants), they undergo a sanitization and freezing process.

After that, the plants are lyophilized and transformed into powder, preserving all the functional, medicinal and nutritional properties.

Lyophilization technology allows water to be removed through sublimation, where water changes from a solid physical state to a gaseous one without going through a liquid state. Interesting, huh? This technology is what allows the properties mentioned above to be preserved and more concentrated in our products. In addition to simplifying transportation, storage and expanding validity for decades.

Therefore, we managed to combine technologies that produce super ingredients in balance with the ecosystem, regenerate Nature and offer a variety of applications for your business, through practical and simple logistics.

What species can be found in Horta da Terra?

Ora-Pro-Nóbis, Jambu, Vinagreira, Açaí, Taioba, Cariru and Amazonian Chicory are part of our current portfolio, providing results far beyond medicine and nutrition!

Visit our products page to understand more about each of our organic and natural products:

Our Purpose:

Promoting Amazonian biodiversity by giving anyone on the planet access to the nutritional, functional and medicinal powers of plants.

Did you like it? Learn more about how we can transform your quality of life and/or your business today:

[email protected]

Whatsapp: +55 91 98406-0070
