Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamins and supplements play a crucial role in our diet and in maintaining our health. Although most of our nutritional needs should be obtained through a balanced and varied diet, there are situations in which these supplements become indispensable.

Here are some reasons why vitamins and supplements play a fundamental role in our diet:

  • Supplementing Nutritional Deficiencies: It’s not always possible to get all the essential nutrients from our diet alone. Additionally, factors like dietary restrictions, allergies, or medical conditions can make it challenging to obtain certain nutrients. Supplements can help fill these nutritional gaps.
  • Promoting Bone Health: Vitamin D and calcium are essential for bone health. Many people do not get enough of these nutrients in their daily diet, especially in regions with less sun exposure. Vitamin D and calcium supplements can prevent issues like osteoporosis.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering triglyceride levels and improving artery health.
  • Pregnancy and Lactation: During pregnancy and breastfeeding, nutritional needs significantly increase. Supplements such as folic acid, iron, and calcium are often recommended to ensure that both the mother and baby receive all necessary nutrients.
  • Aging: As we age, nutrient absorption by the body may decrease. Supplements like vitamin B12 are often needed to ensure that older individuals get enough nutrients to maintain health and vitality.
  • Disease Prevention: Some supplements, such as vitamin C and zinc, can strengthen the immune system and help prevent diseases, especially during times of increased exposure to viruses and bacteria.
  • Treatment of Medical Conditions: In certain cases, specific supplements are prescribed to treat medical conditions. For example, vitamin B6 is used in the treatment of anemia, and vitamin K is administered to aid in blood clotting.

It’s important to note that supplementation should not be a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. Instead, it should be used to complement the diet when necessary and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Improper use of supplements can lead to unwanted side effects.

In summary, vitamins and supplements play a vital role in our diet by filling nutritional gaps, promoting health, and preventing nutritional deficiencies. However, the key to optimal health still lies in maintaining a varied and balanced diet as the foundation, with supplements complementing when necessary to meet individual needs. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation is always a wise practice to ensure a personalized and safe approach.

PANCs for Supplementation:

Using Edible Wild Plants (known as PANCs) for supplementation can be an interesting way to diversify your diet and obtain additional nutrients, and at Horta da Terra, you can find a diverse portfolio of super ingredients directly from the Amazon, freeze-dried and in powder form.

It is precisely this freeze-drying process that preserves all the nutritional, functional, and medicinal properties of these plants.

In our online store, you can find ingredients such as Ora-Pro-Nóbis, Jambu, Amazon Chicory, Cariru, Roselle, Jambu, and the beloved Açaí!

So, there are plenty of options for you to use in your daily life, whether it’s to boost your immunity, support your digestive system, gain strength and muscle, energy, antioxidants, weight management, and much – much – more! Check out our online store: 

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