Functional “Tapioca” based on powdered Taioba
Taioba is known for being essential for our organism! How about our functional “Tapioca” recipe based on powdered Taioba?
Taioba is known for being essential for our organism! How about our functional “Tapioca” recipe based on powdered Taioba?
Feeling thirsty? How about starting the day with more energy with an açaí juice!?
Urging for a sweet? How about a nutritious and functional “brigadeiro”?
Check out this recipe from Horta da Terra, using our powdered ora-pro-nóbis, a high protein value plant!
Beverages are all industrialized products, intended for...
Amazonian pancs, in addition to being edible, have high...
Delicious blend of freeze-dried Açai, Ora-Pro-Nóbis and Vina...
Jambú is frequently used by the cosmetic market for the...
Our Amazonic Chicória is a natural tranquilizer, frequently...
Our powdered Ora-pro-Nóbis is an excellent substitute...